Friday, March 6, 2009


hartley experienced his first snow last sunday. grayson has now seen snow 3 times in his 2 years. that just about the same amount of times i have seen snow. grayson had a blast and played with our neighbors and brad for the longest. he played so long, i though he was going to get hypothermea. hartley wasnt too fond of the snow - or maybe it was all the clothing we had on him. he could barely move and we all agreed that he looked like the little boy from a Christmas Story movie. You know, the one who's arms stuck straight out form all the clothing.
Grayson's snow ball. He loved to throw them at us!

grayson and brad having a snowball fight with the neighbors.

hartley says: "i like it better from inside"

1 comment:

Beth said...

I LOVE the pics!!!! And Hartley looks EXACTLY like you in the second to last one!!!